Sunday, May 23, 2010

Who Do You Think You Are?

So - its been a month.  Wow.  I am SO (look at the correct emphasis - I AM growing up!) bad at this blog thing. 

I figured a good way to get back into the swing of things and celebrate the upcoming Sex and the City movie would be to figure out which character I relate to.  I mean, any girl who has ever seen this show wonders which girl she would be if she were part of a girl troupe like our fabulous four.  I feel I'm a bit of a chameleon and depending on who I'm with I can fill the shoes of any of the girls reasonably.  When I think about myself individually - I've realized that the more I think I'm one, the more I realize I'm a little of each.  Let's take a look, shall we?

Carrie - I feel like I definitely channel her the most.  My writing style mirrors hers (or tries to!), I dream of London the way she dreams of Paris, and while Manolo may not steal my heart Mr. Laboutin certainly does.  I'm guarded and skeptical when it comes to relationships because I've been on the losing end - very recently in fact.  I've also made mistakes and can without a doubt recognize that I have my very own Mr. Big.  Although, my story will most certainly not end with Mr. Big. 

Samantha -  I definitely relate the least with Samantha in almost every aspect of my life.  What stands out is I am a total flirt (not to be confused or misconstrued for anything else here!) and I find that when I go out I have a confidence that allows me to meet and have fun hanging out with a lot of different types of people. It keeps life exciting having friends with such different interests and outlooks.

Miranda - To me Miranda is like the ultimate woman.  She's got the family and the career.  I don't know what kind of "career" I want, but I do know that I'd like to find something I'm passionate about and really go for it.  She is the friendly reminder to me that having things in your life that are just yours is really important.

Charlotte - I'm finding myself relating with her more and more these days.  As guarded as I am, I am still a hopeless romantic.  I want to be swept off my feet and I usually fall hard because of it.  Charlotte became Jewish for Harry and I believe that selfless acts like that, as long as it doesn't compromise who you are in the process, are important when you are with someone you love. 

So - that's me.  Any observations to add my friends?  Self reflection doesn't always get the whole picture straight.

Its about time for me to check out for the evening so I can finish packing.  In true SATC fashion I am jetting off to an exotic place (Washington DC) to have a conversation fueled, cocktail filled, adventure with one of my favorite girls, Miss A.  Look forward to the adventures.  I'll promise they'll appear sooner (or later!).