Yesterday I had a thought to write a blog. Actually, I'm lying already. My thought was actually 74 1/2 yesterdays ago but then my job got in the way. And I didn't have an original thought for almost that whole time. Actually, I'm lying again.
A little about me, I've successfully made it to my mids (mid-twenties) with a college degree and an accounting gig in tow. I've lived in a beautiful city for the last 5 or so years and can't believe how much of it I haven't experienced. I blame college. Well, the bubble that comes with it. And maybe the greek system. But from my greek-flavored-big-city-college bubble I've had ridiculous adventures and fits of laughter with friends as crazy as I am and who I'd be crazy without.
So now, here, today (well tonight) I am sitting on my fabulous IKEA couch in front of my amazing, far too gigantic TV, in my quaint apartment with a snippet view of the lake (but only when the trees have no leaves) trying to figure out when all this happened. Somehow I grew up, somewhere along the way I made choices, somebody decided it would be a good idea to let me graduate and an even better somebody decided to employ me.
When I think about it, it has really been a bit of a misadventure from the start. Its hardly ever been seamless and quite often has involved mini-meltdowns but is an adventure that has intrigued, frightened, taught, loved, destroyed, shaped and created me. Lucky for me (my sanity not so much) this is where the real misadventure begins.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
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